Oriental Cuisine in the West

Experience the best Asian food available that is the most organic and fresh!

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Serving the best North Asian Cuisine

North Asian cuisine is often synonymous with Russian cuisine, due to all of Northern Asia being a part of the Russian Federation. However, some cultures or areas of Siberia have in-depth cuisine, such as the Yakuts (or Sakha) and Yamal cuisine. Buryats also have their own cuisine, although it is very similar to that of the related Mongolians.

In Siberia, pelmeni is frozen outdoors to preserve the meat inside throughout the long winter. 

Jonathan Doe

bistro's no. 1 chef

what we can offer

Choose From a Variety of Asian Cuisine

Fresh Egg Benedict

The unpredictable diet of free-range hens will produce likewise, unpredictable egg flavors.

Strawberry Pseudo

You’ll be amazed that just five ingredients can create something so spectacular! This chilled strawberry soup is certain to become a new summertime favorite.

Minimalist Morning Toast

No body knows who invented this food, and how it tastes so questionable good is beyond everyone and is a complete mystery!

Plates served
Organic Farms


Your Food Is Our Food, But Better

The importance of food is obvious and essential. Healthy food provides us the nutrients and energy to develop and grow, be active and healthy, to move, play, work, think and learn. 

Foods are directly related to our body and mental and social health because each food or liquid contains particular nutrition such as carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, fats, etc, which are very necessary for our physical and mental growth.  

stories about us

Best Asian Food in New York, no doubt about it!

Not only that they can be praised for their polished oriental interior design, but their food are so delicious and addicting. Everything tastes so fresh and warm to the stomach!

Kate Smith

Satisfied Customer

latest news

Most trending articles about Asian Cuisine in America

Food and Cooking in Thai TV Dramas, Love Destiny, 17th

For a country that takes such great pride in its cuisine, Thailand, surprisingly, very enthusiastic about spotlighting its food in its cinematic endeavors

A Simple Thai Dipping Sauce

Here’s a simple dipping sauce that I made the other day just as I’ve done hundreds of times in my life. It’s very easy to make; it doesn’t require special ingredients; it is extremely versatile.

How to Prepare Rice Vermicelli (Khanom Jin) from Dried Noodles

The noodles weren’t available anywhere, which is understandable considering how difficult it is to make them at all let alone on a large scale commercially.

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